We measure what you see - and beyond!

Tag: Quality Control

Food Microbial Hazards & Adulteration Detection

In October 2022, Videometer welcomed Ph.D. Candidate George Froutis at its premises. Here, he conducted research on microbial hazards.

seed technology symposium

Meet us at Seed Meets Technology 2022

Meet us at Seed Meets Technology 2022. Learn about the digitalization of seeds with cloud databases and the benefits of said technology.

How to use the Transformation Builder? – Videometer Academy

Explore the Videometer Transformation builder and learn how to use it on your images to enhance your product’s analysis.

Spectral Imaging as a Transformer of the FoodAg Industry

Read about Videometer’s presence at IASIM with the seminar Spectral Imaging as a Transformer of the FoodAg Industry.

colloboration and frienship Videometer Newsletter

A spring of new products and applications – Videometer Quarterly Newsletter

The new Videometer quarterly newsletter is out! Learn about the new products, new applications, and more!

CHAP Welcomes The Videometer SeedLab

The Videometer SeedLab is now available at CHAP.
Read how the system will revolutionize work at the laboratories and enhance seed testing.

Lesieur-Saipol won the Competitiveness Prize for their use of VideometerLab

VideometerLab with Autofeeder automated Lesieur-Saipol’s oilseeds processing. Read more about how they won the Competitiveness Prize.

seeds crops European Commodity Exchange Videometer

Videometer will be present at the European Commodity Exchange 2021, Copenhagen

Videometer’s latest technology will be presented at the European Commodity Exchange. Learn how we automate grain quality control and inspection.


Download The Videometer Corn Quality Control Guide

Corn is the most produced commodity worldwide. Learn how Videometer can assist you with complying with quality standards.

Detecting Thai Jasmine Rice Authenticity With the VideometerLab

VideometerLab allows you to detect Rice Authenticity, as well as, classification of this grain.