We measure what you see - and beyond!


Measure What You See – and Beyond!

The VideometerLab Instrument is Videometer’s flagship instrument for multispectral image acquisition. It is used for reflectance imaging and optionally fluorescence and transmittance imaging.
Together with the leading edge VideometerLab software, it is used for both exploratory analysis, for calibration model construction and for routine quality control in a wide range of application areas. The Videometer technology provides accuracy, robustness and highly reproducible measurements.

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One Complete and
Optimal Solution

The VideometerLab comes complete with hardware, software, installation, and training.
Application knowledge for a wide range of domains is available in-house or through partners. After training you should be ready for your first routine protocols.
All the parts of a VideometerLab are optimized and tested together. Many sources of variation are already included in the calibration model and thus eliminated from your measurement.

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Documented and Proven Technology

Choose a technology and a solution provider that has been challenged by users and scientists and proven to meet the needs for performance and robustness.

Spectral imaging is a key technology of the present and the future and it typically provides at least an order of magnitude better contrast than more traditional color imaging systems.

Videometer has an unprecedented experience and track record for putting spectral imaging to work in everything from R&D laboratories to in-line production systems. Videometer developed advanced spectral imaging systems for 24/7 in-line sorting that have been in production since 2002. More than 300 scientific papers using Videometer systems have been published.

See the documentation below and we invite you to contact us if you need further information.

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More Than Just One Instrument

The VideometerLab can be supplemented with a broad range of enhancements that fit different applications to give a more accurate analysis of the product. 

VideometerLab Autofeeder

The VideometerLab Autofeeder enhances the capacity with a feeding funnel and conveyer belt that allow for automatic and precise analysis of granular products. 


VideometerLiq is an easy-to-use spectral imaging instrument for fast and accurate determination of stability or instability in liquid products.

VideometerLab Agile

VideometerLab Agile is an easy-to-use spectral imaging instrument for fast and accurate determination of color, surface properties, and fluorescence of skin and hair.

Videometer SeedLab

A complete system capable of analyzing, classifying and physically sorting your products with the aid of a powerful pick and place robot.

Application Examples

Most applications can harvest huge benefits from the fast, non-destructive and versatile virtues of spectral imaging and the VideometerLab. While the major application areas of the VideometerLab are food-ag and pharma, we constantly develop our technology to meet new customer needs. 




Microbiology and Pharma


The VideometerLab System integrates spectral imaging with machine learning and advanced multivariate statystics. Learn about all its features here: 


• 19 strobes with wavelengths 365-970 nm
• Perfect integrating sphere for optimal light distribution
• Minimized noise from shading and specular reflections
• Extended dynamic range through strobed illumination
• One optional illumination


• 12.3 Mpix per wavelength
• USB 3 for optimal imaging speed
• 30 µm/pixel
• 120 mm x 90 mm field-of-view

Data Analysis

• Data-efficient machine learning algorithms that integrates application domain knowledge into the models
• Artificial intelligence guides users towards the optimal settings
• Models incorporate knowledge of image acquisition and variations originating from anything else than the sample are suppressed
• High-level of transparency and peer reviewing. Currently more than 250 scientific papers have been published on the use of VideometerLab


• Easy-to-use and powerful software
• Calibration wizard
• Workflow control for easy setup of protocols
• Open data formats
• Integration with Videometer server and cloud database solutions
• Telemetry solution for preventive maintenance

Automation and Customization

• Autofeeder for granular products
• Autofeeder combined with robot sorter
• Automatic feeding of petri dishes or other plates
• Adaptation to larger plates and field-of-views
• Miniaturization for microscopy, handheld devices, rhizotube imaging
• Mechanical, control, and data integration into existing line

Application Know-How

• Over the years Videometer have performed a huge number of collaborations with domain experts in different fields. We may have direct knowledge on your domain or we may have partners in your domian that we can establish contact to.
• Videometer supports and recommends the formation of user groups: internationally, locally, or companywise depending on disclosure policies.

Contact Us!

Get in touch with one of our experts to learn more about the VideometerLab and its patented technology that has helped revolutionize quality control systems worldwide for more than 20 years.