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Videometer MiniRhizotron

Multispectral Analysis for Roots

The compact VideometerMR minirhizotron spectral imaging system allows for automated detection and quantification of living roots in the field/semi-field. It can detect roots in all soil types and differentiate living roots from dead roots from last season.

This technology is proved and documented in the scientific paper
A multispectral camera system for automated minirhizotron image analysis”, published in the August 2019 issue of the journal Plant and Soil. 

Read the abstract below to learn more about root analysis with the VideometerMR. 

Read Abstract
Videometer MiniRhizotrons
root imaging in RGB

Four spectral imaging robots have been installed for rhizosphere imaging at the RadiMax facility at University of Copenhagen. Roots at different depth can be counted and quantified automatically. The Radimax facility was installed in 2016. See a Radimax announcement and a DLF video on how the Radimax partner studies deep rooting.

The Radimax facility was installed in 2016. Read about its announcement and watch a video by company DLF to learn more about the Radimax and how our partners’ study deep rooting with the VideometerMR. 

Read Announcement

Key Features


• 5 Diffuse Wavelengths (multispectral version) or color (RGB version)
• 405-940 nm


• 5Mpx
• GigE
• 20 µm/pixel