We measure what you see - and beyond!


Spectral Imaging Anywhere, Anytime

Take your quality inspection anywhere with the VideometerLite.
Videometer’s portable spectral imaging solution is easy-to-use and straightforward.
Its state-of-the art technology allows for accurate image analysis and inspection, that can be performed anywhere at anytime.

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Application Examples

The VideometerLite is the perfect instrument for cost-efficient analysis of your products in different contexts. From field to laboratory, the VideometerLite can be taken anywhere to assist your quality control measurements with a state-of-art-technology always at your hand.

Colony Counting

Fruits and Vegetables


Key Features

The VideometerLite System integrates spectral imaging with machine learning and advanced cloud-computing. Learn about all its features here:

Illumination and Camera

• 10 strobes with wavelengths 405 – 850 nm
• Integrating sphere for homogeneous and diffuse light distribution
• 65 µm/pixel resolution
• 1520 x 1520 pixels per wavelength image resolution
• Superior color determination
• Up to 100.000 hours lifetime of the light sources

Data Analysis

• Data-efficient machine learning algorithms that integrates application domain knowledge into the models
•    Artificial intelligence guides users towards the optimal settings
• Models incorporate knowledge of image acquisition and variations originating from anything else than the sample are suppressed
•   Real-time automated analysis of samples  


• Easy-to-use and powerful software
• One click calibration 
• Easy workflow control in cloud or on local area network
• Integration with Videometer server and cloud database solutions
• Telemetry solution for preventive maintenance

Adaptability and Customization

• Custom picking of the 10 wavelengths between 405 nm – 850 nm
• Portable in-field instrument
• Cost-efficient in-line inspections 
• Cost-efficient laboratory inspections
• VideometerLite Liq option for liquid analysis

Application Know-How

• Over the years Videometer have performed a huge number of collaborations with domain experts in different fields. We may have direct knowledge on your domain or we may have partners in your domian that we can establish contact to.
• Videometer supports and recommends the formation of user groups: internationally, locally, or companywise depending on disclosure policies.

Get in Touch!

Get in touch with one of our experts to learn more about the VideometerLite and its multiple and versatile functionalities that can be used anywhere, anytime.