We measure what you see - and beyond!

Category: Application

Videometer technology is embraced by major members of the ISTA community

The Videometer technology for seed analysis is acknowledged by key stakeholders of the ISTA community. Learn about the latest Seed Symposium.

Food Microbial Hazards & Adulteration Detection

In October 2022, Videometer welcomed Ph.D. Candidate George Froutis at its premises. Here, he conducted research on microbial hazards.

The Importance of Digital Seeds in Future Seed Testing – ISTA Seed Symposium

Videometer will be present at this year’s ISTA Seed Symposium in Athens, Greece. Join us to discuss the future of the seed industry!

Spectral Imaging for Forest Seed Discrimination

At Videometer, we believe in knowledge and expertise sharing. A brazilian Ph.D. researcher, conducted forest seed discrimnation studies at our premises.

seed technology symposium

Meet us at Seed Meets Technology 2022

Meet us at Seed Meets Technology 2022. Learn about the digitalization of seeds with cloud databases and the benefits of said technology.

Practical Digital Tools for Seed Quality Determination

Seed quality determination can be enhanced with digital tools such as spectral imaging, AI and machine learning. Read all about it.

Spectral Imaging as a Transformer of the FoodAg Industry

Read about Videometer’s presence at IASIM with the seminar Spectral Imaging as a Transformer of the FoodAg Industry.

Videometer Aids the Inspection of Seeds Worldwide

Our technology helps IITA ensure food security by identifying and keeping track of Genebank Storage of African Crops.

colloboration and frienship Videometer Newsletter

A spring of new products and applications – Videometer Quarterly Newsletter

The new Videometer quarterly newsletter is out! Learn about the new products, new applications, and more!

Detection of Robusta species in Arabica coffee beans

How pure is your coffee? A new study illustrates how the VideometerLab effectively determines adulterated Arabica coffee with Robusta beans.