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OvaSpec Assesses Concentration and Embryonation Percentage

OvaSpec Assesses Concentration and Embryonation Percentage

Trichuris suis is a pig whipworm that is used as a therapeutic treatment for various immune-mediated diseases. The eggs of the parasite are the main component of the medication and must be of high quality and concentration to ensure efficacy.

Traditionally, the assessment of Trichuris suis eggs has been a laborious and time-consuming process that involves manual counting and microscopic examination. However, with the development of OvaSpec, this process has been automated, making it faster, more accurate, and more efficient.

The technology behind OvaSpec is based on spectral imaging, which allows for the precise detection and quantification of Trichuris suis eggs. By analyzing the eggs’ optical properties across a range of wavelengths, the instrument can distinguish between viable and non-viable eggs and accurately assess the egg concentration and embryonation percentage.

One of the key advantages of OvaSpec is its user-friendly interface, which allows for easy operation and interpretation of results. Users can view the results in the form of high-resolution images in either RGB or grayscale, enabling easy comparison and further analysis.

Overall, OvaSpec represents a significant advancement in the assessment of Trichuris suis eggs, providing a faster, more accurate, and more efficient method for quality control and ensuring the efficacy of the medication.

Trichuris suis parasite eggs analyzed by OvaSpec
Trichuris suis parasite eggs analyzed by OvaSpec

Conclusion of the OvaSpec Study

The present study demonstrates the applicability of computer vision in the production, analysis, and quality control of T. suis eggs used as an active pharmaceutical ingredient for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

OvaSpec – A vision-based instrument for assessing concentration and developmental stage of Trichuris suis parasite egg suspensions. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 53, 94–104.



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