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How to perform Quality Assessment of fresh fruit?

How to perform Quality Assessment of fresh fruit?

Assessing the quality of fresh fruit is crucial to ensure that only high-quality products are distributed to the market. One of the challenges in fruit quality assessment is the detection of bruises, which are difficult to detect by the naked eye. Multispectral imaging with the VideometerLab offers a non-destructive and efficient way of detecting bruises and other quality parameters of fresh fruits.

In addition to detecting bruises, spectral imaging can also be used to recognize chilling and freezing injury, detect surface defects and pathogens, assess ripening stage, color, and visual quality, and derive other chemical and physical properties from optical properties. This information can be used to assess the storability, taste, and visual quality of the fruits.

How does quality assessment work?

Spectral imaging works by analyzing the interaction between light and the fruit’s surface. By using different wavelengths of light, including UV, visual light, NIR, and fluorescence, the system can obtain a wealth of information about the fruit’s properties. The obtained data can be analyzed using machine learning algorithms to develop predictive models that can be used to assess the quality of fresh fruit.

Overall, spectral imaging with the VideometerLab is a powerful tool for assessing the quality of fresh fruit. It offers a fast, accurate, and non-destructive way of detecting bruises and other quality parameters, enabling growers and distributors to ensure that only high-quality products are delivered to the market.

Quality Assessment Parameters

Spectral imaging may be used for e.g. the following quality parameters:

  • Detection of bruises
  • Recognition of chilling and freezing injury
  • Detection of surface defects and pathogens
  • Ripening stage
  • Color and visual quality
  • Other chemical and physical properties derived from optical properties

Product Examples

The following are product examples where the VideometerLab can assess the quality:

  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Citrus fruits
  • Peaches
  • Mangos
  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Mushrooms
  • Cucumber
  • Tomatos

apple bruises spectral imaging


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